The United States Constitution has a system of checks and balances, to that no one or no group of people can become too powerful. Because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
In order for democracy to function the people need to be well informed. However The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of big money, and not the people. click hear to see the full story.
This has been a major blow to democracy. America is supposed to be the land of the free, and yet wealthy people can just purchase candidates. This is not democracy! This is capitalist dictatorship!
If leaders are not elected by the people, but by wealthy lobbying firms, then it is the money that decides the outcome of elections. What ever happened to one prison, one vote. Now it has become one dollar, one vote. We the people have no say.
The big money advocates will tell you that this is to protect capitalism. As if capitalism and freedom are the same thing. They tell you that socialism is evil.
Now I know that the supreme court does not actually make the laws, but this does not mean we have to sit down and take it.
We need to be as loud as we can! We need to get our voices heard!
disgusting alien musk
2 days ago