Monday, January 18, 2010

Get Your God Out of My Government

 Many people believe that America was founded on Christian values. Some would even go as far as to say that "America is a Christian nation". America is not Christian nation, nor is America a "Christian nation". When America was first founded, Thomas Jefferson had an idea, separation of church and state. It meant that religion should be separate from government. This allows people of many different religious backgrounds,to live side by side peacefully.  Including people who are Atheist, Agnostic, Wiccan, Satanic, and others.

I think that all people should be aloud to live in peace, whether you are ChristianMuslimJewishBuddhistHinduMormonAtheistAgnosticWiccanSatanic, or any other religion. America is a Secular Nation! So it bothers me to hear politicians, and political commentators, say that America is a "Christian nation".

What makes this so bad is that public policy is being made based on biblical scripture, rather then actual fact. Such as The faith-based initiatives. But that is not all. They want to teach creation in schools, ban abortion, stop same sex couples from getting married, and more. They put the phrase "in god we trust" on our money, and put the line "under god" in the pledge of allegiance. This has to be stopped.

Every time a non-believer asserts his or herself, The Christian Fundamentalists always snap back, by claiming that we a persecuting their belief. When in reality they are the ones persecuting our non belief. Take for example this clip of the Glen Beck Program.

Glen Beck makes it seem like Atheist are out to get Christians, when in fact we just want prayer out of the public schools, but i like The Amazing Atheist response.

The problem is that we are allowing religious fundamentalists to run our government. you can have your religion, just keep it out of my government. 

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